(Note: This is a plain-text page to avoid confusion in trying to format the formatting directives.) INSTRUCTIONS TO EDITORS ON FILE FORMAT Dafcast.Net translations are stored in one file per daf. Your filename should be the three-digit page number of the daf, with the .html extension. For example, Kiddushin 2 is stored in the file QDS\002.html (Don't worry about the directory name for your masechet right now.) ITALICS Certain Hebrew and Aramaic words in transliteration will be automatically italicized. That list is growing, the current list is at the bottom of this file for now. If you need additional words italicized, use the usual and tags in your HTML. BOLD Text that is directly translated will be bolded automatically. Text that you interpolate for clarity should be enclosed in ordinary square brackets [like this]. The web server will replace the brackets with un-bold tags. UNDERLINE Since we're using italic for transliterations and bold for distinguishing translation from interpolation, please use underlining for emphasis. Standard HTML and tags should be used PARAGRAPHS Simply leave a blank line between paragraphs.


tags will be provided for you. SMART QUOTES AND ELLIPSES Don't worry about getting " and ' to point the right way. The script will do that. (If it gets it wrong, let me know.) Use three periods in a row ... for an ellipsis HORIZONTAL RULES Use a row containing only hyphens for a horizontal rule to separate sugyot. HEBREW LETTERS We have defined a set of character entities for when it's necessary to include Hebrew letters in the text. They should be entered in logical order; the software will put them into visual order when needed. Here's the list of letter entities: ℵ &bet; &gimmel; &dalet; &he; &vav; &zayin; &chet; &tet; &yod; &chaf_; &chaf; &lamed; &mem_; &mem; &nun_; &nun; &samech; &ayin; &pe_; &pe; &tzadi_; &tzadi; &quf; &resh; &shin; &tav; ADDITIONAL TAGS FOR RADIO-SCRIPTS We use and for the radio scripts. When we're ready to have that level of editing done, I will update this section. TRANSLITERATED WORDS THAT ARE AUTOMATICALLY ITALICIZED: ashurit baraita cherub d'oraita d'rabanan d'yo derachim derakhim derech devarim dinar eruv eruvin gezera gezerah hekdesh issar issur kal karet lulav matzah matzot mekadesh metzorah mezuzah mezuzot mitzvah mitzvot nedarim nedava nedavot neder nedevah perutah shalosh shava shelosha sheva shivah shofar sukkah sukkot tahor tamei tefilin tefillin tumah tzara'at tzitzit vachomer zav zavim